1.Corn Seeding Rates 2014 - Steve Wagner


2. Newsletter - April 2013


3. Cost of Sulfur - Steve Wagner

                          Sulfur deficiency in Michigan fields is unpredictable and the                                      benefit of sulfur application will vary from field to field. Keeping                              the cost down for sulfur applications is a key to profitably applying                           sulfur. 

4. Risks and benefits of applying boron fertilizer to soybeans - Michael Staton (MSU)

                          Despite the low probability for soybeans to respond to boron fertilizer,                           yield increases have been reported in some university trials. Yield                              responses are more likely to occur under conditions where boron is likely                           to be deficient (coarse-textured and organic soils due to leaching losses,                           lake bed soils as soil pH increases from 6.5 to 8.0).


5. Thoughts on Seeding Rates for Corn - R.L. (Bob) Nielsen (Purdue)

                          “Results suggest that optimum plant populations for corn grown under                           typical yield levels and growing conditions are in the neighborhood of                           31,150 plants per acre, or seeding rates between 32,500 and 34,600 seeds                           per acre," he said. "The results further suggest that corn grown under                           moderate to severe drought stress conditions may perform best at plant                           populations no higher than 28,000 plants per acre and perhaps as low as                           21,000 plants per acre under truly severe growing conditions.”


6. Wheat Herbicides and Cover Crops - Steve Wagner


7. The Michigan Soybean Association STARS (Strip Testing at Regional Sites)

                          program has been working with Michigan growers for several years                           coordinating on farm strip trials to research questions that are of concern                           to growers. Consider participation

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Phone: 517 243-5292

Fax: 517 482-7506

E-Mail: MAOtto@Agri-BusinessConsultants.com